Saturday, January 30, 2016

EJK Reunion Weekend 1998

This is a picture from the EJK reunion in Decatur, AL Memorial Day Weekend 1998. One of Mark's family found it and passed it around at Christmas. We had some good laughs at how no one is paying attention to John Michael in the high chair in the back, and yet is the only one acknowledging the photographer with that sweet little hand up. It appears he isn't waving just hand up. Throughout the Christmas weekend we would look at John Michael and just put a hand up. He was a good sport and played along as well. He's just as cute now as a freshman in college as he was at almost 16 months old.
Dad, Ralph and Catherine are looking pretty good as well.


Nog Blog said...

Good picture. It's fun to run across a picture from the past. And never too late to start a new family tradition. Hand up, John Michael!

clevekath said...

A great picture to bring back sweet memories. We can just imagine the conversations going on there!

clevekath said...

Jerry: see comment #6 on your recent post, re asbestos. Interesting! (Gas leak, etc.)

P.S. Did you ever know Supt. Rolf Sivertsen at Midland? He was my student at Peoria Central High in 1975.