Thursday, February 16, 2017

Not Geneology, But...

This has nothing to do with geneology, Mary, or meeting a real live Klopfenstein, but we took this picture at Niagara Falls probably about 30 years ago. Imagine our surprise when we came upon this cement staircase and there was the big KLOPFENSTEIN name right in front of us. (That's Casey sitting on the landing.) Sure wonder who carved the name in the wet cement!

Monday, February 6, 2017

Met Another Klopfenstein

Hi Everyone! How many of you introduce yourself with a play on "Klopfenstein - don't get it confused with Frankenstein"? I often did before I was married. Well, last week I attended a conference in San Diego for work. The very first morning, I chose my place at a table in the first workshop, spoke briefly to some people on my left, then began preparing for the meeting. I heard the guy on my right say " sounds like Frankenstein." I immediately turned to him and said, "What did you say your name is?"

Turns out - after consulting with my dad, the genealogy expert - that we're 11th cousins once removed! I had so much fun getting to know Lee Klopfenstein!

Now - tell tell us a story of your "random" meeting of another Klopfenstein! (I actually have another one that I may share later.)