Saturday, June 29, 2013

School Days

I am going through pictures on my computer, deciding what to save and what to delete due to having to have my Mac upgraded next week, and came across a few gems that need to be shared.

You may recognize the dashing young man second from the right on the front row--some of you probably recognize other faces as well. . .

A building with a lot of memories for a lot of K's. . .

. . .and an interesting report card from the 5th grade!  (This is a tell-all blog!  Sorry, Dad!)


rk2 said...

My thought on the top picture:
Dad is the most handsome!

My first thoughts on the report card:
1. If History would have been about geneaology and family history, Dad would have earned an A+, no doubt.
2. Dad would not have typed and re-typed geneaology and still spelled it wrong apparently as I still show a red line under it.
3. Glad to see he was promoted to Sixth Grade!
4. Interesting that EJ signed every grading period.

I'm sure there are stories about bringing home report cards for your father to see.

clevekath said...

Thanks, rk2. I especially loved the first pic (which enlarges nicely when clicked on). I recognize some of his classmates.
And, yes, 'ole Gridley High holds many memories for all the Gridley Klops.

rk2 said...

Actually Ann posted these.

Ada said...

I recognize many of the "kids" in that picture which appears to be the staff of the school newspaper (Gridlite?). And that IS Ollie Shoemaker with the braided hair, right? She looks much younger than when I had her as a teacher.

The history section of the report card is totally unfair as he had way more B's than C's, yet his final grade was a C. Perhaps he didn't behave in that class?!?!?? I also have my report cards with Dad's fancy signature.

clevekath said...

Oops, Thanks, Ann, for the post.
Yes, I recognized Ollie Shoemaker, too (a legendary GHS teacher). Grandpa K must have kept all those yearly report cards as I also have several from Dad's school days. Nice EJK signature, too.

Alice said...

I can identify l4 or l5 of the kids in the picture. I wonder where I was.

Dad signed ALL of our report cards.

Crystal Klopfenstein said...

At least he had perfect attendance!