Wednesday, April 3, 2013


I had three Steffen boys here for a short time yesterday. Dave fed them pancakes, which they love, if you remember to get it right. Syrup for one, WARM syrup for another, and plain and dry for the third. But the real fun for me came after the pancakes....they were able to pretty much get the microwave popcorn out of the drawer and open and into the microwave. I popped it and put it in their bowls for them. ONE bag PER kid, at their specific request. I got one complaint that one kid took "one piece of popcorn out of my bowl!" but they all three ate it all gone.

Then a near miracle happened.

"I need a drink!"

Well, I responded that Grandpa says they are all old enough to get their own drinks. "You know where the cups are and the milk is inside the fridge and the water is in the door of the fridge. So go help yourselves."

They all looked at me like I had lost my mind, but I didn't move, and shortly all three had a drink in their hands.

That is PROGRESS in the right direction for me! Of course, I did have to scrub the toilet this morning! They do THAT themselves, too!


Ann said...

Ha!! Boys will be boys!!

I always felt like when the kids could get their own drinks we had passed a huge milestone--

Ada said...

Yep - nothing like little boys. I bet they kept you hopping.

rk2 said...

I had mixed emotions when the nieces and nephews could get their own drinks--so nice to not have to get up but kind of sad that they were growing up.

clevekath said...

Everything in today's home is controlled by switches -- except the children.