Sunday, October 21, 2012

Another Good Old Picture

Found this one tonight in my cache of scanned in pictures.  Doesn't this bring back memories of that paneled den and Grandma in her chair!


clevekath said...

A great picture of both mother and son. A typical pose of my grandma in her chair, as you mentioned.
Thanks for posting, Ann.

clevekath said...

A great picture of both mother and son. A typical pose of my grandma in her chair, as you mentioned.
Thanks for posting, Ann.

rk2 said...

Seeing the bookcase reminds me of the executive ball clicker she had. I loved playing with that as a kid.

Speaking of the chair Dad and Mom got the chair when Grandma's household items were divided. They let me have it for my apartment in Morton. I then moved it to Peoria, AL, TN, and OH. During those years most of my furniture came from family members who were no longer needing them so when people asked my decorating style I would say, "Dead relative and donated". I would often refer to pieces of furniture by the relative to whom it had belonged.

A friend knew this chair was "Grandma". After many years and many moves a spring or two in the back had sprung and it was not the most comfortable anymore. At a garage sale before I moved to MI this friend was going to buy it for her sister's college apartment. When we put it in her car she said, "Well, Grandma's going to college!!!"

Ada said...

Yes, very nice picture of both Mother and Son. Lynn looks especially dignified in that vest!

Rhoda - that "ball clicker" as you call it was quite an attraction to our kids also. They always got it soooo completely tangled, then Jerry would always get irritated because it would take him quite a while to untangle it!!

Enjoyed your story about "Grandma" going to college - made me smile.