Thursday, October 25, 2012


I mentioned I would post, so here it is:

Last week I continued the tradition of taking a grandchild to Disney World when he/she turns 10 years old. Now I will admit, when I started this, I did not research how much it would cost, nor did I know how many grandchildren I would have...but I would not go back now and I thoroughly enjoy each week I've spent with each individual child.

Here Thad and I are at the airport ready for our big week-long trip.

Thad's first airplane ride. He was nervous, but filled his time drawing in his "Doodle" book.
If you can blow up the picture, you can see his clever drawing of "The Wizard of Oz" characters going over a cliff.

Swimming at our hotel the first night.
Thad is mocking up a picture of the "headache" of doing homework while on vacation. I hated it, too.

Thad was interested in Walt Disney and all his successful ventures.
Thad was more into educational aspects of Disney (there are some!) than the scary, loud rides.

Waiting for a show to start. Thad loved making faces into the camera.

This is kind of a poor video, but you can see how excited Joe is to see Thad.
You can't hear it, but just before the end, Nate is anxiously asking what Thad brought him for a souvenir.

Reunited with Mom and Dad. He never really got lonesome, but he was happy to see them.
Thad is still waiting for his souvenir question to be answered.

And here is one final shot of the Steffen family with all the personalities showing up quite well!

I'm pretty much back into the swing of things back home. Mom is enjoying her new place and this week we are putting some of the finishing touches on of hanging pictures and placing knick-knacks. Stop in to see her if you get a chance. As she says, "I'll be here!"


clevekath said...

That's quite a tradition, and a good one. Great experiences and memories for both them and you.

Ada said...

Cute how excited they all are to see him. That was a long time for him to be away from his family. The final family picture says it all!! Glad all went well for you.

rk2 said...

Oh, so much fun. What a neat thing you do with each grandchild.

Perry said...

It looks like you had a good time! Thanks for sharing the pictures. Those boys are growing up so fast.---Carol