Friday, August 3, 2012

Two Pics

Since this is the week to celebrate Perry and Carol's 40th - here are two pictures I found on my computer from past downloads:

Our family outside the Flamingo.  Looks like it may be the morning of the wedding, and I assume my mom is behind the camera. . . and the sun must have been really bright!

I am pretty sure that this is outside the Millers' home.  Carol can correct me if wrong about that.  Good looking family!!


Ada said...

OH! Those polyester dresses!!

Nog Blog said...

Ann, you were tall! And Mark had Bieber hair...

Perry said...

Ah, very fond memories. It was a blessed weekend; and it came alive again last week at the Awe of Mackinaw, as Cleve tabbed it. It was Cleve's greatest quip, and I plan to nominate him to the West Peoria Hall of Fame.

Perry said...

Actually, it might be the Northwest Peoria Hall of Fame...or perhaps the South Dunlap Hall of Fame... Let's see... Carol get out here....

Ann said...

That Cleve is good at those pithy remarks!!

Yes, those polyester dresses. . .never again!!