Wednesday, August 1, 2012

40th continued

Jerry & Ada

I am embarrassed that this picture was not posted earlier.  I had uploaded it and tried to put it on the first post but it would only let me do 3 at a time.  After that, it somehow got overlooked.  I feel bad that my poor computer skills and lack of careful editing caused me to unintentionally leave them out.  Actually they were a huge part of our special night!!  They hosted Lynn and Mim overnight and picked up Catherine so she could come.  Some times I wonder how I would ever get by without Ada to rescue me when I get in a "fix."  Please accept my apology ---- Carol


MaryM said...

Thanks for giving us a little taste of your special evening! Glad you had such a great time. I have many memories of your wedding - from Carol's pretty yellow going-away dress to swimming at the Flamingo hotel. Congratulations!

rk2 said...

Ha! The Flamingo Hotel--the first place I ever jumped off a diving board! Dad was in the pool to watch and make sure I made it to the side.

Oh, I have good memories of the wedding tooQ

Ann said...

Lovely picture of a lovely couple.