Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Featuring Catherine

To get the attention off of me, here are a few more pictures to enjoy! Doesn't Mom look great?

Catherine and Gloria
Where is this?
Looking so good! I love this picture!

What does anyone know about where this is?


clevekath said...

I'm guessing Lake Bloomington in about 1953. We did have picnics there occasionally and I well remember that shiny thermos jug of Grandma's.

Ada said...

Actually, the picture is at Starved Rock. I have always remembered that day - I was playing outside when Mother came out and told me we were going on a picnic with Catherine and Gloria and Cleve. It was soooo exciting!!

Ada said...

Is the top picture taken out at the Slagell Farm?

Crystal Klopfenstein said...

Oh my goodness - if you enlarge the last photo at the picnic table, my grandma looks so much like Jen (Hohulin) Heiniger! In the other photos she looks alot like Sonya (Klopfenstein) Embry.

clevekath said...

You are correct, Ada. It is Starved Rock and it is probably 1954 or '55. Uncle Perry might have been a So. or Jr. and me 7 or 8 years old. I also remember that day -- climbing up that huge Indian rock and getting close to the edge where the Indians jumped off.