Monday, August 27, 2012


Unfortunately, as of today, the K5K is cancelled.

I will be having gallbladder surgery on Thursday.

I turned 60 on May 29. Since then, I feel like I am falling apart!

On June 2 I had a nasty injury to my foot in a fall, which is still not 100%...

...then Friday night/Saturday morning I had a gut-wrenching (literally) gallbladder attack. Now it has to come out, and Dave says, "Right now!" He does not want to go through that again! :)

I am on antibiotics now and surgery will be Thursday.

Incidentally, I had to go this morning to get impressions for a TMJ mouthguard...I have had some trouble in the past...and the clenching of the teeth that went on Friday night brought it on fullblast. I didn't have much trouble eating bland food all weekend...I could barely get my mouth open enough to insert food!

K5K...another day...another time...



Ada said...

OH MY GOODNESS, JUDY! Follow Dave's advice and get all these things taken care of NOW. It's just a "spell" you're going through and it will all go away, you'll be better and have some stories to tell . . .

We'll pray that all goes well.

Perry said...

Judy, I am sorry about your ailments! It just isn't any fun to not feel 100%! We hope you'll soon have it all behind you. Perry and I plan to leave Friday morning for Oregon and plan to return the following Wednesday. God be with you on Thursday! Love, Carol

Alice said...

I'm sure you will be glad to get this surgery behind you. Sorry you had to have such a bad attack. We will be praying for you and trust all will go well.

Ann said...

So sorry you're going through this. Sure hope surgery goes well!

Nog Blog said...

I'm feeling OK now...barring any more attacks before Thursday. I expect the surgery to be without complications and a quick recovery. Thanks for all the best wishes via the blog and personal email.