Friday, July 20, 2012

The grandboys came to our cabin north of Peoria for 7 whole days from June 28 to July 4 and seemed to love every minute of it -- SWIMMING, fishing, catching every imaginable lake creature (fish, frogs, turtles, minnows, even a live rabbit, etc), playing basketball, scooter rides, Peoria Fireworks, etc.  A highlight was a birthday party for Caleb, now age 10.  And, another highlight was a gift for each from Uncle Marty K who MADE each of the arrowheads shown in the picture, mounted them onto the nice wood plaques, and gave a plaque to each of Aaron & Kara's 3 boys.  They were thrilled!
Pictured are:      Carter, 8 on August 13         Cooper, 4          Caleb 10 on July 22


Ada said...

Wow - those boys are really growing up. And very handsome boys. How did you ever keep up with them for a whole week?! Bet you were exhausted and "crashed" for a few days when they left. BUT there's nothing better than spending time with grandchildren and it's well worth being tired.

Love those arrowheads made by Marty. We have a black & white sketch of our house that he made for us shortly after we moved here and we treasure it.

Ann said...

Great pic, great arrowheads, and great grandkids! Thank you for posting!!

Nog Blog said...

What a unique and special gift for the boys! I ditto Ada...exhausting but fun. Your cabin has been a great place for your family and now is making great memories for these boys.