Friday, November 18, 2011


Yesterday I was browsing through one of the many catalogs that are arriving every day in the mail. Suddenly I saw a picture of a shoe bag that hangs on the inside of a closet door. Whoosh! Huge flashback of my Aunt Ada's little bedroom closet, with a similar shoe storage bag on the inside of the door. I used to sleep in that bedroom as a young girl, and look and look at all of Aunt Ada's high heeled shoes. She had quite a collection of colorful, spiked heel shoes, that fascinated me. Well, I confess I didn't just look at them, I pulled them out and held them and put them on and walked around the room in them, always hoping no one, especially Ada, would come in and catch me. She was afraid I would scuff them, or break the heels.

I also remember a couple of formals she had. Once I was going to a dance in La Grange, and Grandma mailed one of Ada's dresses to me to wear to the dance. I remember worrying and worrying that it wouldn't arrive in time. When it did come, I think I realized it wasn't quite the right thing for my dance, but I had to wear it anyway and I remember dancing with one of the cutest guys there. I remember being a little puzzled about that, wondering if he liked that dress, or just why he had asked me to dance. HA! I'm sure some 8th grade boy didn't even notice the dress I was wearing!

Oh, it was fun remembering.


Ann said...

I remember that ornate red wallpaper on her bedroom walls.

Ada said...

I remember that shoe bag and yes, I had a lot of shoes. I think Mother bought me a new pair of heels to go with every dress she bought me. Now I blame my lower back problems on those "spike" heels I wore for years!!

Was the formal she sent you blue? Sorry you didn't like it.

Nog Blog said...

Yes, it was bluish green, and I liked it, but thought it looked too old for me. I had begged for it, and then when it came I didn't think it was quite right for the occasion. This is how young I was...the cute stranger boy that asked me to dance gave me a piece of gum and it is still in my 8th grade scrapbook!

Nog Blog said...

Chewed. Just to clarify.

Ada said...

LOL Judy!! You are sooooo funny. Tell me - does your chewing gum loose its flavor in the scrapbook over the years?