Monday, August 8, 2011

2 pics -- 1 nastolgic and one artistic

We enjoyed the family art pics and comments, and also all the old pics posted.
Here is one from what year? Maybe 1962 or 63? Perhaps soon after Grandpa K.'s death? I was always intrigued by Grandma's kitchen and the linoleum -- what were those spots? Modern abstract designs?
I could not resist putting up just one of my brother Marty's charcoal drawings -- done freehand. Marty is truly an artist, even to this day making money at it, and is THE ARTIST of the RDK family. I'd suggest you click on the pictures to enlarge and appreciate the wonderful atmosphere of Grandma's kitchen and Marty's talent.


Nog Blog said...

Great pictures I've never seen before. Really enjoying the picture posts.

Ada said...

Wow! This is an "oldie but goodie" picture. And I'm much older now than Mother was then!! Hope I "age" as well as she did.

I believe those are just abstract geometric designs in the floor, Cleve. Anybody remember playing basketball in that kitchen with the hoop being the wall above the door going into the dining room?

Cleve, that was probably about the era of our great ping-pong competitions, right? By the way, did you ever beat me? :)

Ada said...

Also - that is an amazing piece of artwork by Marty. I'd love to see more of his drawings. When we moved here, we had our house open for a Christmas Walk and our "gift" for having it was a drawing of our house made by Marty. We were thrilled - and the organizers of the "walk" had no idea that he was my nephew when they hired him to make a drawing of all the homes.

Ann said...

I would guess that that photo is about 1964, because on the right Mary is sitting on my mom's lap and she looks about three years old.

I loved the geometric floor pattern also and used to study it as well.

And Marty's drawing is beautiful!

Ann said...

Who is the sleeping boy on somebody's lap?

Alice said...

I remember the kitchen floor very well. I scrubbed it on my hands and knees many many times.

Cleve said...

Ada, to be honest, I cannot recall ever actually beating you at ping-pong during those years. You had a mean backhand and slam.
This picture might have been around Christmas time because I can see that old red toy Santa Claus sitting on the North window shelf.

LynnK said...

Thank you for posting!!! The photo is a classic. I well remember playing BB in the kitchen and the cellar. At least down there we had square hoops--oxymoron not intended!!!

marym said...

Loved both of these photos. I always thought it was so cool that Grandma had that extra small sink in the kitchen. I can still see her White Rain hairspray bottle resting on it. Thanks for sharing.