Sunday, July 31, 2011

Real Letters

Ann, thanks for sharing the post of Grandma's letter. It's interesting how many were excited to read those words written about 35 years ago.

Letter writing is a lost art and form of communication.

This post makes me wonder when was the last time you received a hand written letter? or even a typed personal letter in snail mail excluding Christmas form letters?


rk2 said...

I think the last hand written letter was a note from Mary sometime in June when she mailed me something else, but it was a note and not a "newsy" letter.

Mom is also pretty good about adding a letter when mailing something else.

I couldn't tell you the last time I got a handwritten letter/card from someone to let me know what was going on in their life.

Nog Blog said...

Mom spends a lot of time writing letters and enjoys it. She and Betty K always corresponded by mail, and the last letter she received from Betty arrived the day after her death, a nice letter of contentment and peace. I know Mom also enjoys letters from Aunt Mim. If any of you have tried to talk to Mom on the phone lately, you might also consider dropping a note in the mail as a good alternative!

Mim said...

Catherine is good about sending newsy letters and we are always happy to get one from her. Ruth K much preferred real letters-"the kind you can hold in your hand."
We recently received a really sweet note, almost a letter from Jaimie Medlen Noe. The name on the envelope was "Daddy K and Mama K."
Do you look immediately in the day's mail for something personal? Much of our mailbox content is tossed into the recycle bin before ever getting into the house.

Ann said...

Couldn't tell you the last time I got a personal letter in the mail.

It is really cause for concern from a historical perspective. Letters are a great record of events - whereas emails are easily deleted.

My children won't have boxes of memorabilia to go through (90% of which was letters) like I did.