Thursday, July 28, 2011

Letter from Grandma

Earlier this summer I plowed through five boxes of personal memorabilia, from elementary school until the present. Much hit the trash can but much was saved also. This letter from Grandma was a definite save. I left out a little of what she said directly to my sisters and me, since it was not really of general interest, but this is 90% of the letter. I thought you all would appreciate it and see why it made me smile with the memories. I have another one to post at another time.


Boca Raton, FL Feb.

Dear Ann,

It's about time I write you a line. Mary and Rhoda have also been so sweet about writing to me, so maybe this can be for all three of you, OK? I am still here at Boca Raton FL. Arrived on Jan. 5 and will probably stay 2 more weeks.

The past week Alice & Keith are here and expect to stay another week, then Catherine is coming for another week. I have written so many letters since I'm here, you wouldn't believe it. But I write them expecting some in return, and everyone has been great about sending me letters. Last week there were a few days I didn't get any, then all at once I received 8 in one day. On Valentine's Day Lucile S. was staying with me, and there were so many it filled up the mailbox so tight it was hard to get them out.

Alice just came in. She went out to the pool. But there isn't much sun and it's been cool and cloudy most of the time she's been here. She is pretty disappointed. I hope next week will be better. As far as I'm concerned, I don't mind. I don't try to get a sun tan as I can't believe that it's good for the skin. But I realize that most people like to have a sun tan especially if they have been in Florida.

I also had a letter from your parents. They are always inviting me to come to Decatur. I hope they understand that when I leave here I'll be anxious to get home. Hopefully sometime I can take a plane right to Huntsville and pay them a visit.

Well, Alice and Keith just came up to the apartment and decided to go to the beach. The sun is getting brighter and I'm glad if they are not too disappointed.

My grandson Bruce is in college up at Tallahassee. He wants to drive down here to see me when they have their spring break. I'm looking for him on March 8th. I haven't seen him for some time and it will be good to see him. He has a job selling tickets at a bus station and trying to pay his way through school.

My sons, especially Ralph and Perry, are so insisting on me that I should take long walks every day. Starting out, short walks at first and work up to a mile or 2. Well I've been trying. I was still quite weak and would still get those awful weak spells when I came down here. Have gained enough strength not to have that awful feeling of weakness. Of course I'm on different medication too and I'm sure it all helps. I was walking every day up to 8 blocks and back. Then my shoe soles got so thin I started to get blisters. Then I bought some new walking shoes and the first time I wore them, I was doing fine and all at once I stumbled and fell on the sidewalk and skinned my knee. Today Alice wants me to try her shoes. I really would like to walk as I think one can gain strength by doing it. But my poor feet are balking on hitting the concrete that much.

I just better get this in the mail now before I miss the mailman. Ann, your valentine went to Gridley, then here. Thanks for remembering me.

I love you all and you are very dear to me. I hope and want all my grandchildren and great-grandchildren to always remember me, even long after I'm gone.

God bless you all. Love from Grandma


Anonymous said...

How nice to have a blog post from Grandma! Isn't it cute that she would say she hopes we all remember her long after she's gone. Of course we do...

Maria said...

Oh, that is so precious! A very special keepsake. Thanks for posting.

Ada said...

Yes, very precious. Thanks. I made it all the way through the letter without crying, but then . . . a few tears. I think of her often and wish I could ask her about things from the past. I'll be waiting for some more of your historical posts.

Nog Blog said...

This was a great post to read this morning. I was just thinking of Grandma earlier, having a silly little memory. She had a big impact on me as a teenager.

Ann said...

Glad you all are enjoying it. I think she writes just like she talked - can't you just see her saying some of those things in conversation!

Mim said...

Thanks for the letter and the memories, Ann. One regret I have is that during the three years that I was in the family before Dad passed away that I didn't ask him more about his WWI army experiences. Living in the present one is less likely to think about the past until it is too late. And that is why I regret not knowing more of past events. Wouldn't it be a treasure if Dad had written a memoirs book?

Alice said...

What a wonderful keepsake. I'll have to say it brought tears before I reached the end. We had so much fun staying down there with her. She knew the good places to eat.
Lucille got us started on USA Today. It had just started circulation in some states.
I also have so many things I would like to ask her.

Cleve said...

Grandma was, for certain, my most faithful letter-writer while I was in Vietnam for one year. I enjoyed each letter she sent me and have saved quite a few of them.