Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Luna Bars

Zion is crazy about those Luna Bars! Do you have any boxes left?

Good to see everyone at the reunion, even though we had to leave early.


Nog Blog said...

Ohhh, how many do you want? Anyone else? Let me know and we will make the connection!

Alice said...

What in the world are Luna Bars? Sounds like something they eat in space.

Nog Blog said...

If you like bars that look like Snickers, but taste like cardboard, you will love Luna bars. They are protein bars made specially for women (and boys like Zion.) I got 750 of them delivered to my porch free of charge. It's a long story.

Ann said...

Reminds me of the summer after college when I counseled at a camp in North Carolina. Someone donated about a thousand protein bars of several flavors, from Amway or Shaklee or something like that. It sounded like a really nice gift - until we tasted them. I think at the end of the summer they went in the trash.

Anonymous said...

I know they are for women, but Dave LOVES them! If you are trying to get rid of them, we will take lots of them!!