Tuesday, August 10, 2010

While I Run...

A lot of people ask me what the little boys do while I run on my treadmill. The treadmill is down the basement so they usually play down there with their toys, ride bikes, or watch a movie. They're used to it by now and they play pretty well together. This morning when I did my run I left them at the kitchen table, fully clothed, and coloring. I think my mommy skills are slipping because I completely forgot about the watercolor paints we had on the counter from the night before. Thankfully they did not paint on the walls or furniture, but this is what I found when I was done running...


Ada said...

These are soooo adorable. Did they enjoy a bath after that?

Ann said...

I forwarded this link to several of my friends with young children, because it's just too cute not to pass on.