Thursday, May 27, 2010

Random Grand Times

This is Mom sitting in the Red Room of the White House,a privilege given to volunteers who worked there. Mom worked in the mail room, signing and sending anniversary cards from the President.

This picture is mom and Lucile Stoller on a fantastic Alaskan cruise. Two good friends on the trip of a lifetime.

These were good years and good memories which Mom wanted to share.


rk2 said...

In Aunt Catherine's volunteering at the White House, isn't there a story about she opened an envelope and it was a request about the anniversary of a couple from Gridley? I don't remember the name, but I remember hearing Uncle Ralph tell the story.

Nog Blog said...

If I remember right it was Sam and Louise Witzig. She also sent out replies from George and Barbara Bush's dog. Stamped his paw print on the card. I was too lazy to look up the dog's name. Anybody remember it. It was kind of a famous dog.

rk2 said...

Millie was the dog's name, I think.

Carol said...

I loved the pictures! Thanks for posting them.

Mim said...

With my first glance I thought Catherine lives in a place that is even nicer than I remembered--it looks just like the Red Room in the White House!! What tremendous opportunities you were privileged to experience, Catherine. What precious memories.

Ada said...

I loved the pictures. Catherine, you have so many precious memories. Remember when I came visited you for several days? You really showed me around the town! It was so fun.