Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day Plans

I have no special plans for the holiday weekend. It's hot, hot, hot here and unfortunately my friend's pool is full of algae and will be at least a week before anyone can use it. I wouldn't mind going to a parade tomorrow and maybe get in nine holes of golf, but mostly I'll enjoy a Monday to not have to get up for work.

And of course, thanks to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country and freedom around the world.

What will you be doing for Memorial Day?


Ada said...

Jerry and I will go to the Community Building for breakfast, then stand along Center Street and watch the Color Guard march down the street. We'll then go to the cemetery for the annual ceremony.

We will probably try to finish up our new bathroom in the basement in the afternoon, then grill something for dinner on the deck. I did buy the traditional Memorial Day watermelon for the evening.

Anonymous said...

Jerry's buddy from the Gulf War is visiting us. He rode the train from Chicago, and will go back tomorrow. They haven't seen each other since 1991 in Saudi. Today we put our flag up, which we haven't done for years. So that was our Memorial Day. Tomorrow we might go boating.

Nog Blog said...

As usual, our Memorial Day is dedicated to the beans..seems every year Dave has to check 'em, replant 'em, hoe 'em or spray 'em. I just got back from a long walk, now checking my blogs, then going to clean up the house a little, and then maybe check out two pools close by to see what they have for lap swimming this summer. Maybe I'll even swim a few! Have a great Memorial Day.

Ann said...

It is going to be a BORING, BORING day. Mike might have to work overtime either tomorrow or Wednesday, then regular schedule Thursday through Sunday (12 hrs.), so he doesn't want to do anything. It has stormed all morning and is supposed to continue throughout the day. Mary Lee has been sick all weekend with fever/sore throat, so she's been itching to get out, but her friends have had to cancel their lake plans also. Maybe I'll clean out the linen closet!

Alice said...

We have had a busy week-end. We went to Lauren's graduation on Saturday evening and then to their open house on Sunday afternoon. This morning we went out to breakfast at the Cracker Barrel with some of our friends. Keith has gone to Restmor to volunteer until noon. I plan to do some laundry and probably watch some Tennis (the French Open). It is getting very cloudy and looks like we might get a thunderstorm.

Lauren plans to go to the U of I in the fall. Bonnie just graduated from the U of I in nursing and got a job at St. Jo. in Bloomington. She will live at home.

Erin and Thomas bought a house in Champaign. Thomas just got his Masters degree and will go on to get his Doctorate. Erin teaches
second grade in Rantoul.

Nog Blog said...

Missed you Alice at the Open House. It was fun to see the girls and how they are all becoming successful, lovely women.

rk2 said...

Thanks for the updates on Larry's girls. I can't believe how grown up they are!

We had thunderstorms beginning about 4:00 a.m. and it rained until about 9:00. The parades were cancelled although by late morning the sun was out and it's quite warm.

I went out for breakfast with Glenn and Renae, have been doing schoolwork, and the 1 1/2 week old chicks got moved to their home for the next 3 weeks. I may still get in the nine holes later this evening when it cools down some.

Angela, thanks for the reminder. I need to put out my flag now that the rain has stopped.

marym said...

Nog Blog, you are such a cynical farmer's wife! I always enjoy the laughs you provide!

We're at Mom and Dad's - Dad grilled chicken for lunch and Mom cooked an otherwise fabulous meal. We're enjoying the time with them.

Last week we were in St. Augustine for a week with the family. Had a wonderful time together; this morning I spent going through mail, working on laundry, etc. Always hard to catch up.

Glad to hear what people are doing today. I, too, thank our veterans for their service and stand in awe at those who gave their lives so we can live in freedom.

Eric - Retta said...

We were invited to the local lake yesterday after church for a meal and getting to know some local folks. Today, I worked on the pool and we cleaned the house in anticipation of the Pastor and his family coming over to swim and relax. However, it's raining now so the swimming is probably not going to happen. Guess we will have to stick to just relaxing.

rk2 said...

Dad grilled chicken??? Dad grilled? I'm shocked!

Cleve and Kathleen said...

We had our immediate family at our family cabin north of Peoria...Aaron's family of 5 and Crystal where the boys caught frogs, turtles, fish, crawdads, etc. Also lots of swimming & snacking before, between, and after the 2 thunderstorms. I might even try to post a few pictures.