Saturday, May 15, 2010

Another cool and rainy week-end. I haven't had time to do any outside work. Haven't moved my fern out or bought any hanging baskets or potted flowers (all I really can do at this condo) but everytime it gets cold and windy I'm glad they're not out there getting all beat up. Our great April weather brought on beautiful corn in the fields and most beans have been planted in the area. Now we see flooded or frozen corn plants, but hopefully most of them will come out of it OK. Farmers seem to have the love of the land in their blood and they must be total optimists to survive with any sanity. Guess I've never bought in to the joy of's too wet, too dry, hail, wind, frost, price fluctuations, the "competition" factor, yuck, yuck, yuck, and waah, waah, waah. I'm not complaining, we've been greatly blessed through the years, and live very comfortably, but I'm just saying...I don't have that farmer's blood in me even after 39 years of marriage.

Today I'm cleaning out my closet and I could complain about that too, but I'll spare you! Hope you all have a great week-end!


Cleve said...

Yes, farmers do complain alot -- they're known for that. And if the yields are really good, then it's "but it's sure hard on the combine and equipment". A true story is that when I was a broker, Central Il. was in a drought and finally one morning it was raining. I called a farmer client and asked, "is it raining out there in Brimfield?" He whined in reply, "Well, it is raining but it's kind of a DRY rain".

Mim said...

NogBlog: Grant Wood's "American Gothic" was the high point of your blog. But in no way do I associate you and Dave with the couple depicted. I've always liked that painting because of the simple lines and because it leaves so much to the imagination. Maybe with my midwest roots, I somewhat identify with that era several generations ago! But be assured that conditions of that day were before my time!
Regarding the weather/farming dilemma, Lynn decided long ago that the local Farmer's Market is our most economical garden.