Saturday, May 15, 2010

Happy Graduation Lauren

Mom, Dad and I left yesterday and returned to Decatur today from a quick trip to Atlanta for Lauren's high school graduation this morning. We are very proud of her as she has grown into a lovely young lady who works hard and has a heart of caring and compassion. All of Ann's family drove down today for the ceremony and a luncheon at Mark and Molly's after the 10:00 graduation. My camera isn't great for pictures in large auditoriums so I don't really have pictures of the graduation itself except for one I copied off Facebook. I hope you enjoy some of these people shots and a picture of a part of the food table. Molly had some very impressive sugar cookies made with the logo of Lauren's college choice. It was a short time together but we enjoyed seeing everyone and honoring Lauren.


Ada said...

Congratulations to Lauren. I loved the pictures.

Shelley S said...

Congratulations. Love all the pictures - what pretty girls!

Cleve said...

Nice family photos! Nice occasion.
Nice house also.