Saturday, November 7, 2009

Extreme Home Makeover

Sunday, November 8 watch Extreme Makeover Home Edition. It's on ABC at 8:00 pm. Eastern. Last winter I met the father at a wheelchair basketball tournament. The coach of the team is the former girls basketball coach of the school I was at in Ohio. He and his wife are friends of mine. The show actually taped quite a bit of a wheelchair game between the show's cast and the team.

The Terpenning family's father is the last Vietnamese orphan airlifted in the 70s. He had polio, and in addition to his own health issues has taken on the care of his younger brother as well.

Great story, great family. Catch the show if you can.


Ada said...

We usually don't watch this show, but will try to remember it tonight. They did a home makeover from this area last summer that was aired a couple weeks ago that I wanted to watch, but forgot all about it until it was over.

Ann said...

Ditto me. I don't usually watch it but will try to remember to turn it on.

Nog Blog said...

You can go to the link Rhoda refers to and watch the episodes there. They have the "most popular" and "the recent 5" full episodes. I set me recorder to tape tonight's. Heading now to my repentance reunion dinner at Kevin and Dixie (Cargill) Knapp's home. We've gotten together for the past 41 years in early November to commemorate the day we gave our lives to the Lord. Any of you remember that Sunday in 1968, when about 10 teenagers repented right there in church. Would love to see that today!

rk2 said...

I should have admitted that I typically don't watch the show either, but this one does interest me.

Nog Blog, what a neat thing to do to refresh your spiritual life and to have a sense of accountability as well.

Cleve said...

Kathleen and I watched the Makeover episode! What a great story and a real tearjerker. A very deserving family....
Thanks, Rhoda, for the tip.
Judy: I don't recall the day specifically, but were you in Gridley that day, not LaGrange?

Nog Blog said...

We were in Gridley for Grandma Slagell's estate sale. Maybe I'll post the story someday when I have time..our dinner last night was good, and we laughed as we are showing our age..talking about our ailments and our grandkids.

Ada said...

We had a last-minute invitation to a weiner roast last night - so we missed the show!