Sunday, September 20, 2009

What Commercial?

I haven't visited the site in awhile...and didn't do an extensive archive search...but I keep seeing reference to a commercial...What's this all about? Featuring Grandma K??


Cleve said...

Ch. 25 (WEEK-TV) in Peoria is doing a commercial(s) for Evergreen Place (where Grandma K) is living. I saw one on Friday but it showed only one lady employee describing how wonderful Evergreen Place testimonials from residents (of which Grandma is allegedly shown testifying). Has anyone seen the one ad that she's in???

Ada said...

We've not seen one yet. Any idea which programs these commercials might be airing on? We watch CH 25 news, and the Today show, but not much else.

Nog Blog said...

I've been watching for it too and haven't seen it. I think I saw the end of one with an Evergreen employee. However, someone did tell Mom that that they saw the commercial and she definitely was in it. They wasted their money if they don't run it more than that, with people actually looking for it and not finding it!

Nog Blog said...

Mom called and said they're coming again today for more film, this time of the dining room. She hasn't seen the phantom commercial either, but has talked to 2 people who have. I guess more to come.