Friday, September 25, 2009


Since most of us won't be able to go to Ruth's funeral, I thought it might be nice to remember her here on the Blog. So how about sharing some of your favorite memories of Ruth.

I remember when Jay first brought her to Gridley. I think I was about 5 years old. I was fascinated by her - especially the red nail polish, lipstick and jewelry. I thought she was beautiful. She was very happy and very talkative. I think I just sat and stared at her.

One time when she visited she took me for a bike ride - remember that old blue bike with the wire basket on the handlebars? She put me in the basket and we rode up and down the street. Then when she turned into the backyard, the ditch was just deep enough to dump the bike and she and I both went flying to the ground! I think I screamed! Luckily, neither of us were hurt, but Mother wasn't too happy about it.

I also remember that at Christmas, when they would come to Gridley, Ruth would bring presents for everybody - many of you remember those great Christmases. The presents were unwrapped and she would sit at the kitchen table and wrap the presents as my mother was preparing dinner. I got to "help" by holding my finger on the ribbon as she tied the bow! Thought I was really smart. And her presents were the best-wrapped, prettiest packages ever!!

I used to stay with them for a few days - maybe a week? - when they lived in the third-floor walkup apartment on Kenmore. Loved the Murphy bed and the pulley-washline out the backdoor. Also stayed at the little house on Seward Street when Linda and Bruce were little. She always took a bath about 4 pm and put on a clean dress so she would be all pretty for Jay when he came home from work. It was great fun - always got a nickel from Jay to buy a "Good Humor" treat.

I could go on and on - but it's your turn now.

We'll miss you, Ruth. We love you, Bruce, Linda and your families. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.


rk2 said...

Linda, Bruce, and families--my thoughts and prayers are with you as well.

My memories are rather random and rambling, and posted at as it would make for too long of a comment here.

Ann said...

I don't remember a lot about Aunt Ruth from my growing up years, except that she was always a smiley and happy presence at Christmas gatherings. But after I was grown, she took an interest in me and I would get emails and phone calls from her from time to time. She would say, "Now Ann, this is your Aunt Ruth, and how is your lovely family doing?" I always appreciated the interest that she expressed in us.

One time on the way home from an LCK family vacation in Destin, we took the time to go by Tallahassee and visit Uncle Jay and Aunt Ruth. I believe Rhoda was with us that trip also. I was so glad we took the time to go by there as it was the last time we saw Uncle Jay. And she was so glad to see us - it was just her way.