Saturday, July 25, 2009

Visit to Michigan

Last weekend Joey and I went to Michigan for several days. We got to stay with Rhoda for 2 nights, plus we stayed with friends in Petoskey for a couple of nights. The sunset over Lake Michigan was beautiful (I love sunsets) and seeing Rhoda of course was great.

We checked out her garden and her chicken project. She loaded us up with goodies - I cooked kale this week (found a delicious & easy recipe if anyone's interested) and also green beans from her garden. Not to mention delicious raspberries that I made a smoothie with this week!

We also took a day trip to Mackinac Island and loved riding bikes around the perimeter! Of course we had to see the Grand Hotel. I hadn't looked forward to the long drive but the trip was well worth it. Next week we'll go as a family to the beach for a few days.

What do your summer plans include? Have enjoyed hearing about some of them and of course the updates on the twins!

Love to all.


Ada said...

Good to hear from you Mary. Sounds like you had a good trip. Years ago - when I was about 10 years old, Alice, Aunt Mary K, a friend of hers, and me went to Petosky MI. I got my first really bad sunburn on that trip. We also stopped at Mackinac and I thought it was a really cool place. Jerry and I went there later.

I've been wondering about Rhoda's chickens.

Enjoy your trip to the beach.

Rhoda said...

This afternoon I'm going to pick blueberries and then green beans in the garden. Most of the blueberries will go in the freezer and hopefully some of the beans as well. This evening is a 60th birthday party for a friend from church--I was shocked when her husband called to say it was her 60th as I would've guessed her at 50! And of course there is always reading, reading, and more reading for class.

It was great to have you visiting last weekend. The weather this weekend is much better--sunny and 80.