Friday, July 24, 2009


We just had a delicious fried chicken dinner - and onion rings - to celebrate our 44th anniversary. Keith and Alice met us at the Chanticleer in Eureka.

Only six more days til surgery - yeeaaahhhh!

Gonna go babysit with Nathan tomorrow while Angela and Jerry go out to eat to celebrate her birthday. Hmmm - what shall I take along for dinner for the rest of the family?


MaryM said...

Congratulations Aunt Ada and Uncle Jerry! What a wonderful milestone to reach. Sounds like a fun celebration.

Joey and I celebrated our 10 year first date anniversary this week. That was a big milestone for us! Hard to believe it's been so long. God certainly gave me a wonderful husband.

Ann said...

Congratulations on your anniversary! We celebrated 24 last month.

What should you take for supper? Well, right now with all this hot weather about all I've been cooking is BLT sandwiches on rye or sourdough bread. But that probably wouldn't go over well with Nathan. So my well of creativity is dry.

Rhoda said...

I'll make a Lynn's daughters trifecta and wish you Congratulations as well!

Anonymous said...

It hasn't been so hot here, but BLT's do sound good. Nathan will be too excited to eat, no matter what mom makes!