Friday, April 10, 2009


I know we've discussed this topic before, but I'm feeling good right now because I just cleaned the refrigerator! Hate that job, but it's always surprising what you find. I do believe in "going green" these days and try to do my share of recycling, but I don't think the "green" stuff I found in the fridge qualifies in that category. And I was surprised to find expiration dates of 2007 & 2008 on a few items, but they are now emptied, rinsed, and in the recycling bins! I need Heat here occasionally (there's that word I don't know how to spell, but am just going to leave it without checking today) to check the dates for me - She does that when she's here and lets me know if I need to throw it away.

Are there any words you have a mental block against and have to look up everytime you use it? Mine are occasional vs ocassional and occur vs ocurr. Probably more, but those two come to mind right now. Any other mispellings in this post are just careless errors!


Nog Blog said...

Commitment of committment...and every time I type from it comes out form, and when I try to type form, it comes out from. Every time. So weird.

Nog Blog said...

And I am getting to be a sloppy typist, or careless reader, as "or" came out "of" in the last post. (Maybe because I haven't been to bed since yesterday morning. Heading there now...

Nog Blog said...

Do you catch the goof in the last post??

Ada said...

You talking about the missing ) ?

Sleep well!

marym said...

Brocolli . . . and I'm not even sure if that's correct. . . (I don't think it is) and vacuum are the 2 words that are a conundrum to me.

Okay I will have to confess. EVERY time I open my fridge I think "I've got to get this cleaned out." I even offered H. $10 to clean it out and she can't seem to find time for it either. The blogs this week have been discouraging. I have ironing left undone and a load of clothes that have been in the laundry room to fold since Sunday night. Okay . . . guess I shouldn't be spending time blogging! (I did wash windows last weekend and really do stay busy - we've had stuff going on every night this week - so I have somewhat of an excuse.)

Have a good weekend.

Cleve said...

I about freaked out over Nog Blog's inability to type "form" and "from". I have the same problem with the same two words!!!
Every time, it comes up the opposite of what I intended.

Ann said...

Mine are usually inabilities to type correctly. I almost always have to go back and fix things. For some reason "the" comes out "tohe" or "tihe" most of the time. And that's just one example.

Shelley S said...

I have a lot of typos too, but my biggest problem is that I type everything I hear - songs on the radio, sermons, conversations. I usually type them with my fingers and don't even realize it.

Grandpa Ralph used to do this too, he noticed me doing it once and pointed it out to me. I remember Aunt Gloria saying once that she doesn't type, but does shorthand.

Anyone else have these strange afflictions?

Jose y Gema said...

I am from Spain.
You are the only person that I have found in internet that types everything hears.
My wife Gema has the same problem. She learned typing six years ago, and she has that problem since that time.
She is very concerned. She needs a solution.
Can anybody help us?
My email is
Thank you.