Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Easter Everyone from Catherine

I enjoy the computer here - only thing I can handle is the Klopfenstein news. I was sorry to read of Jenny's pregnancy problems, Jerry's hip problem, Eric's house and health problems.

The good news, Perry's new book coming out - 150 delivered to Roanoke church. Gloria's safe trip to Jamie's in Houston, with her new dog, for Easter. She will start her new job at Salvation Army Safe Harbor shelter, which moves to a brand new building the 15th of April. Also Staci's migraines are better with new medication.

As for myself, I'm doing OK. My lady doctor said, "I'm doing good for my age, 82." I wish many times Ralph could be here with me, which he was for several weeks. Also thankful he could help make the change from condo to this small apartment. Not a day goes by without some kind of remembrance of him.


Ada said...

Hello, Catherine. Good to see your post on the blog. Keep 'em coming!!

I hope I'm as good a shape as you are at 82 years of age. You still seem young to me. I'm sure you do miss Ralph and that you have so many memories to think of. Jerry and I also think of him often and the good times we had - especially eating out with you. Mostly I think of years ago when I was a child - playing with your children. There was never a dull moment when your family was at my house. I loved it!

Cleve said...

Mom, Thanks for the good post!
Interesting and as Ada said, "Keep 'em coming". Remember, too, that Administrater Ann gave you the Oscar Award for the "Nicest Blog Post of 2008" (which you can review anytime by clicking on the AWARDS link on the main Blog Page).

marym said...

So good to hear from you, Aunt Catherine. I miss your letters. Maybe it was my turn to write. :) I can only imagine how much you miss Uncle Ralph. Keep us posted on how and what you're doing!
p.s. Just finished cleaning my house but still didn't get those clothes folded! That's next on the agenda.

Anonymous said...

Hello Aunt Catherine. I just thought of Ralph today as I ran a 1/2 marathon. I saw a couple guys wearing shirts that said something like "50 & DC", meaning they'd run marathons in all 50 states and DC. I know Ralph didn't do that, but he ran in all or many of the states, and that's what I thought about! Happy Easter!

Cleve said...

Congrats on the 1/2 marathon. I never cease to be amazed at people who can accomplish such a thing! Big question...isn't this the same race brother Drake was to run with you?????? (I keep track of such things, and am just wondering...)
Let's have an update on THAT!!!

Ann said...

I was thinking of you last night, Aunt Catherine, and of how you and Uncle Ralph were such a beautiful example of devotion to each other for so many years. Hope you have a wonderful Easter.

Ann said...

Hey Cleve - I know you're not going to toot your own horn - but YOU wrote the "nicest blog post of 2008" ABOUT your mom! Memory problems?!