Saturday, March 7, 2009

Phone Issues

If you by chance tried to call me today, my phone was not working. We are on direct phone service with Comcast and I found out late tonight that our phone has not been connected most of the day. I just spent the last 40 minutes on an online chat with a technician and after much hassle, I am now back online with my phones. Yeah!

Ironically just today I ran across two items regarding online communicating and text messaging. The first was someone on TV saying that kids today are not learning to communicate as well verbally since they do so much of their talking through technology. He said they are less emotionally involved in their interactions with others.

The second item was a quote from the Reader's Digest: In the distant landline-dominated past people thought, "I have a feeling so I want to make a call." Today's young seem to be thinking, "I want to have a feeling, so I need to make a call."

All I can say is, I was having a few emotion-filled feelings during my little chat with my technician a few minutes ago! Switch these cords, reset this button, try this phone, try that phone...but I hung in there and you can call me now...

Well, not now, it's nearly midnight. Good night.


MaryM said...

I'm up way to early on a Saturday -getting H. off to a track meet. Anyway, your post corresponds to a Breakpoint I read yesterday about taking a break from technology. Here's the link:

I must say it sounds tempting!

Ann said...

Judy, you are so right. If I had it to do over again, I would not let my teenagers have cellphones. They are a blessing in one way - you can keep in touch with them when they are away - but there is an unintended consequence: They can develop a life apart from their parents' knowledge and supervision. Their friends never call the house any more - they call the kids' cell phones.

If I had it to do over again, I'd share a phone with them, but I'd not let them have complete use of a single phone.

Eric - Retta said...

Was your tech service helper local or was it "Gary" in from Costa Rico?

Nog Blog said...

It was an Indian name and she wrote in Indian style...amazing that she had access to reset my modem from wherever she was located.