Saturday, March 7, 2009

Gridley Water Tower

Casey's comment that the Gridley water tower is coming down makes me somewhat sad. When we were children driving to Gridley we always played the game "I see the Gridley water tower!" to see who would see it first. I think Mark and Ann may have started it when we lived in Chenoa on the ride to church. However, I only remember it driving from Alabama to Grandma's house.

I'll admit when I drive to Gridley I still look for the water tower.



Ada said...

I'll bet you'll have an even bigger, brighter and more modern water tower to watch for. I also watched for the water tower as a child.

Nog Blog said...

That was a big deal in our car also coming to Gridley from LaGrange. "I see the water tower!"

Eric - Retta said...

Our kids have looked for the Rocket Ship at the rest area in North Alabama as a sign we are back in Alabama. The most recent sighting challange has been the large cross in Effingham. That means we only have 2 hours left until Grandma's house. EDK