Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I made an essential trip to the grocery store this afternoon. I chose Meijer's this time. I know Shelley prefers to shop there, but one of my main complaints are the check-out lanes. I've run into cashiers who are totally disinterested and don't say one word through the entire check-out process. Today, however, I had a gal who talked non-stop, though I could only understand a portion of the words spewing from her mouth. She say, "I love people! And people love me!" She proceeded to tell a story about somebody going to Las Vegas and bringing her home something...I guess a bag full of glitter, or whatever she was saying. "This is Las Vegas!" she yelled. "I'm going to go to Las Vegas!" She threw both arms up in the air! I seriously thought she was going to try to high-five me! I guess that would have been OK, but honestly, I was just trying to buy a few groceries!


Ada said...

Well, it takes all kinds to make this world interesting.

Anonymous said...

I went through the McDonald's drive thru this morning to use a free breakfast sandwich Monopoly coupon only to have two women at the window in some type of conflict. One used some very strong profanity which bugged me. When I'm a customer why should I have to put up with that. The manager was at the pickup window so I let him know that my experience was not typical but one I did not appreciate.

Shelley S said...

That's too funny! I haven't had that checker yet. The only one at Meijers that I purposely try to avoid is an older Indian gentlemen. He's just as nice and friendly as can be, but after he 'beeps' each item, as he goes to put it in a bag he says "this okay?" referring to the bag he's about to pack it in. It's very nice of him to want to pack the groceries according to my preferences, but a whole cart load of "this okay?" takes a long time. When I don't have much to check out I'll go through his lane because he is very friendly.

Nog Blog said...

I remember another part of my cashier's antics...she asked me the usual, "Did you find everything you needed today?" Then began to sing and dance..."Di-id you fiiind ev-er-y-thing yo-o-o-ou needed too-dayyy??? Twirling around. Please, just check me out. I'm getting pretty crotchety, I guess. Or maybe that it was that I had been out in the rain, was wet, and looked and felt like I should get home ASAP. No time for her good mood!