Monday, August 11, 2008

1943 Gridley High BB team

Here's an old rare photo of Gridley High's basketball team from 1943; perhaps appreciated mostly by Uncles Lynn and Perry, & Aunt Alice. This was recently mailed to me by one of our favorite cousins -- Carolyn Schlipf. Dad (#3) would have been a sophomore.
L to R, back row: Wes Foor, Larry Ellenberger, Ty Kaufman, Uncle Jay, Ralph K., Junior Kuerth.
Front row: Jess Durham, Vic Rich, Floyd Meiss, Ken Roth, John Diggle? (Uncle Lynn to verify?), Les Shinpaugh.

Thanks Carolyn!!



Ada said...

Just to let you know -- I was "in the oven" at the time! Born in July of that year. :)

Anonymous said...

A great photo and remembrance. Thank you Carolyn and Cleve for posting.

Slight identity correction:
Coach is Lynn Siron!
#5 is not John Diggle but a boy named Kupferschmidt (I can't remember his first name--maybe Loren.)
It was a great team and a certain emotion wells up in me upon reflection of those days.
Uncle Lynn

Ann said...

I was hoping someone would put up another historical picture - they are really interesting.

Anonymous said...

Dad, who was born when you were in 3rd grade and you had no idea your mother was "with child"? I just remember laughing about it when I read your book that your father came to school and told you to go to your grandmother's for lunch because there was a new baby in the house.