Friday, July 11, 2008

You are blessed!

Yesterday, I went to Aldi's for a gallon of $1.99 milk because the WalMart price was $4.22. Not a regular Aldi shopper, I invariably forget something: shopping bags, a quarter for the cart or---oops, no cash and Aldi's does not take checks or credit cards. So I called my good husband and he drove the mile or two to bring me some cash (I had to use the cashier's phone because my cell phone was at home!) and when ready to check out, I told her that everyone ought to have a husband as good as mine--for fifty one plus years. She looked at me wistfully and said, "You are blessed!"


Ada said...

You're lucky she didn't say "well, you senile old thing!" --- JUST KIDDING! I agree you are blessed.

Maria said...

I love that story! I am inspired how you and Uncle Lynn esteem each other so much! I also love getting good deals at Aldi...wish ours was only 2 miles away :)

Anonymous said...

So much for saving $2.23 on a gallon of milk. However, I'm sure the warm, fuzzy thoughts are worth way more than that!

Ann said...

Wow--you're paying that much for milk? I pay $3.29 and that's only recently--it was $2.99 until about two weeks ago.

But with Andrew home this summer I buy enough milk that any savings are quickly consumed.