Sunday, July 13, 2008

Kelsie's at Work Camp

Kelsie left mid-day Friday for Work Camp with the high school kids from church. After a stop in Cincinnati for a day at King's Island, they should have arrived in Oceana, WV, today. There is no Verizon service there, so I have not spoken (texted) her since early this morning. Heather went on this trip for 4 years, and this is Kelsie's 3rd year. It is always immensely beneficial -- they make good friends with kids from church, they see how little others have, they are rewarded for helping others, and they gain some independence from being away from parents for a week. If you would like to see the pictures, click here. It appears new pics will be posted each day.

Heater has been visiting her aunt for a couple weeks. I will go tomorrow to spend the day with Janice and the boys in Downers Grove, and then pick Heater up in Elgin later in the day. It always happens that kid leaves, another one comes home. Keeps me and Jerry hoppin'!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Angela, we know the feeling. Our house is a revolving door this summer! But we love it. Never a dull moment and if there is one, we're so tired we enjoy it!