Sunday, July 13, 2008

More Photos

I've had a couple of requests for more photos of my adventure in Maine. I'm uploading them to a web album and add new pictures every day or two. I am taking some videos also and will share them some other time.


Ada said...

Dad and I enjoyed the pictures. Friday dinner didn't look too good to us! But I LOVED the ADA boat! I'm sure Grace will love the little creatures. See you soon.

Ann said...

You are in a beautiful place! Hope you're still having a great time. I've always wanted to see the northeast. Someday. . .

Eric - Retta said...

Do you get to keep the boat, or only the knowledge and memories from the week? Looks like fun!! EDK

Drake said...

There will be a lottery among interested students and the winner can buy the boat for the cost of materials. I won't put my name in because I'd like to build it on my own and I'm not finished with the current boat project in the garage yet.