Saturday, April 12, 2008


Here are a few more pictures. Same questions: who, what, and where. That's all for today. Enjoy.


Ann said...

Could someone please elaborate on the yellowed photo in the middle. I'm not sure who a lot of those people are. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

To help Ann, let me identify the people in the yellowed middle photo: clockwise from left rear;
Uncle Chuck Stahl, Aunt Minerva, unknown female, Aunt Mary, Grandpa E.J., Grandma Anna, Uncle Jay, his bride Ruth, Ada, Perry, Larry Stahl. (the 3 ladies in the middle and the other unknown is a mystery to me...HELP!)
Ada, I see Jerry changed from a flat-top to a "regular" haircut for the wedding. I did not remember that. The first picture is Ada/Jerry with little Cathy, about 1961 at the Gridley Cemetery on Memorial Day.

Anonymous said...

Well, the mystery is the unknown women. I don't have a clue but surely someome can identify them. Otherwise, Mim and I could figure out the rest as Cleve did.

We are certainly enjoying the blog. You all keep it up!!!
Uncle Lynn

Ann said...

Well, y'all pretty well identified the ones I already knew! Wonder who those ladies in the middle are.

Nog Blog said...

Well Janet and Alice would be in the picture somewhere, I think Aunt Alice is the girl behind Larry who is somewhat hidden. I think the girl with Ada and Jerry in the cemetery is Ann instead of Cathy?? OK Ada, fess up...who are the mystery ladies?
The picture of Ada, Gloria, Cleve and Marty at the picnic table...I couldn't see Charlie Nerht (?) until Cleve mentioned him and when I clicked on the picture to enlarge it there he was, bigger than life, standing close by and watching...kind of sad.

Ada said...

OK - I was getting a little irritated that no one was responding to my pictures after all my hard work . . .

As for the yellowed picture: the mystery women I think are some long-lost cousin from Three-Rivers Michigan who were visiting. As I look behind Larry, that might be Janet. I thought maybe Lynn might recognize those people.

Those adults all look pretty old, but I think I am now older than the oldest one in the picture!! Ugh!

It is Cathy with us at the cemetery. She was kind of "our girl" in those years as she stayed with us a couple times in Dwight and Washburn. She was very shy and didn't talk very much, but we enjoyed having her stay. It was probably more like 1966 - I blew up the picture to see that Jerry is wearing his wedding ring so we would have been married when the ppicture was taken.

The picture of me in the swing (wasn't I quite the gal?) was taken at a prom in Dwight when we were teaching there.

Alice, weren't we just the cutest sisters ever????


Ada said...

Also want to mention that Lynn's girls stayed with us a few times also and we condidered them "our girls" as well. All my neices and nephews are special in their own way.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I believe the gal behind Larry is his sister Janet. The identity of the gals in the middle will probably forever remain a mystery. I've learned that, yes, one can enlarge the pictures by clicking on them. Ada, was this indeed at Aunt Mary's living room? And, Cathy was born in 1957 and appears about age 6-7 in the cemetery pic so it might be around 1964?? In what year were you married?

Ada said...

Yes, Cleve the picture was taken in Aunt Mary's living room. Do you remember going there?

I believe the women were of the Roehn (rain) branch of the Meiss Family. I vaguely remember when that picture was taken.

We were married in July of 1965. It was probably the next Memorial Day.

Another question -- what was Charlie Nehrt doing in that neighborhood - didn't he live across the street from your place on 5th street?


Anonymous said...

Ada - Charlie Nehrt, son of LeVerne, lived in the neighborhood. I believe in the corner house where Don Laiming later lived, across from Mildred and George Hughes. He was between me and Gloria in age. I believe you are thinking of the Charles Rawley house up on 4th Street across from our place and between our house and the "pit". I think the Rawley's were related to the Nehrt's.
Cleve P.S. I liked Jerry's flattop.

Ada said...

Cleve, I'm thinking of the little house on West 5th beside Jack Taylor's house with the buckeye trees! As I think about it, you were very little when you lived there and in the picture you are bigger. There was a boy across the street that was about Gloria's age. Maybe Riggs - does that ring a bell. He was a little "slow" I think. - Ada

(does everybody always have to type in the word with the weird letters in order to comment? Sometimes I almost can't twll what the letters are!)

Nog Blog said...

Yes, I have to type in the letters also, and one time, though random, the letters spelled a "bad" word. I nevertheless went ahead and typed it in rather sheepishly.

Is is comfirmed to be Cathy in the cemetery and not Ann?

Ann said...

It's definitely not me!

Anonymous said...

Ada - The 5th Street house (next to Jack Taylor) was where I learned to walk at age 1. Across the street lived Buc and Ruth Riggs, parents of Lynn who was more than "slow". He was in Gloria's class but died in the 8th grade from a blood clot in his leg.
Charlie Nehrt lived up in the Mildred Hughes area at that time. Incidentally, Herb Stoller and I recently recollected about 13 people from Gridley in those days who were "off", or worse. I'll email you a list.
Judy -- it was definitely Cathy at the cemetery.