Sunday, March 2, 2008

Hello from a newcomer. I note everybody who contributed to the EJK blog so far possesses Klopfenstein DNA. That makes me sort of a foreigner--but I've been a Klopfenstein for fifty-one years, which is longer than most of you. So hopefully that qualifies me to join this
illustrious group!

I've really enjoyed reading the blogs and feel I've gotten to know some of you that I really didn't know before! So keep writing and cementing the family bonds. The "guess who" and/or "guess what" are lots of fun. Have some old slides to get printed at WalMart soon so hang on and keep watching.

Judy, that is an adorable pic of Ben? or Thad? But, who dressed him--you or Dave?
Love you all, Mim


LynnK said...

Abolutely Great!!!

If this blog does not move forward, then we might as well throw in the towel!!!
From the one and only--LCK

Nog Blog said...

It's Ben and that is what he insisted on wearing to my house overnight. He wanted to go with me to the nursing home, but I wouldn't take him because that is all he had to wear on his feet!

Anonymous said...

Poor Judy--between my snoring comment and now wondering if you dressed Ben, you are getting some abuse on this blog!

The picture though is really funny. I always smile when I see a kid in Meijer in July with snow boots on and know it's a parent who was choosing their battles.