Friday, February 1, 2008

Snowed In

Good morning from the Homestead.
I have managed to penetrate into the EDJ Blog-site.
We are sitting on top of about 8 inches of snow here in Gridley, and I am snowbound for awhile. It is not blowing, but wind is coming, they say. I have much to do in my Library, which I have titled the Anna Gramm Klopfenstein Memorial Library.

The picture of Mother and Dad on the couch is indeed memorable. The afgan on the back of the couch is still in use, on our davenport in the living room, in which I spend many memorable, leisurely hours. I use it often for naps. Reading is my pastime. The living room has been (and is) the site of a host of wonderful times of fellowship, singing, and family gatherings on holidays, etc. Sometimes, when I am alone, I kneel and pray in this room. The past Christmas observances with Mother and Dad in memory, along with our many annual Klopfenstein Christmases yet today (with my siblings and offspring). This tradition continues.

It is a winter wonderland outside, and as I peer out the window from my library, all I see is white snow, on roofs and trees, and yes, roads. I feel very cozy in here as my books surround me on nearly every wall.

I will enjoy the blogger messages, from far and near! Best to all,

Perry/Uncle Perry/Dad

1 comment:

Ann said...

U. Perry--So glad that you found your way in! Your love of both words and family history will find another home in this forum!