Wednesday, June 24, 2015

And....We're Home

This is probably of no surprise to any of you if you were following our Appalachian Trail journey. We made it 2 1/2 days. They were hard and hot days, and Dave had had enough. He was adamant about quitting and rented a car...and we were home. You can all imagine what kind of a ride home that was!

So I returned all of Dave's hiking gear and I am in search of new hiking partners. I don't know when it will work out to go back and give it another whirl...but any company would be welcome...from a few days to as long as you are willing to hike.

Drake and Owen...maybe it will work out next time!


clevekath said...

Remember the old Yogi Berra saying: " It's not over til the fat lady sings" i.e. There's always next year. And as Dave says, "I married Judy for her looks, but not the kind I've been getting lately". Or as you say, "The times my husband is right is when he admits he's wrong."
Nonetheless, we surely enjoyed following your Journal while it lasted! Don't be too discouraged.... Hoping you find some good compatible hikers for next time. It can still happen.

Perry said...

You did great to last 2 1/2 days! If I was younger, I would sure love to join you. I know I can't handle it now. I hope you find someone to go with you. ---Carol