Friday, May 22, 2015

What's going on with Angela's family?

When I saw the recent urging for more to post updates and news, I thought it sounded like a good idea. I haven't written here in a long time, and I really do enjoy reading what others write, so we all should do it more. I'll get it going!

We (me, Jerry and Nathan) are LOVING life in Jacksonville, FL! We bought a house last fall and have spent alot of time painting, cleaning, decorating, and general fixing up. The best thing about the house is it has a pool. We swim almost daily, and every time, one of us says, "Having your own pool is the best!" This week, I've even swam before work. The house is several miles from the beach, so we try to get out there as often as possible too. Jerry and I are both working for State Farm. Jerry's a fire catastrophe claim rep, and I am a supervisor in the billing department. We are both pretty happy at work. Nathan goes to a school right in our neighborhood. It's the same school he's gone to since we moved here. He loves it. I am amazed every day when I pick him up, as the kids that come out of there are smiling. It seems like the happiest school I've ever been at. Nearly ever day he tells me had a GREAT day!

Kelsie lives on the "other side of the ditch" in Ponte Vedra Beach, a few miles from us. She works for KLS International, a medical supply company that supports reconstructive surgery for children with birth defects. We see Kelsie pretty often, sometimes. She's very independent and busy, but still likes to hang out with us.

Perhaps our biggest news right now is with our oldest daughter, Heather. She is due to have a baby any day. She still lives in Bloomington, so as soon as I hear baby Jett is on her way, I'm taking off! Heather is a very hard worker, managing the Hardee's in ElPaso, but she is about to find out what hard work is all about! :) I have no doubts about her abilities. She'll be a great mom, and we can't wait to meet Jett!

We don't hear too much from Heater these days. She was not able to join us for a baby shower awhile back, and my trip was so short, I was not able to catch up with her at all that time. I understand she is living in Peoria. I hope that when I'm up there soon I will be able to track her down and find out what's going on.

Well, I have more to share, but I'll save some for my next post. Who is going next?


Ann said...

Sounds like you are busy and happy. Glad you are enjoying your pool so much! We plan to open ours this year for the first time in two summers. Between three weeks in China, and knee surgery, last summer was out for swimming.

Let us know when Heather has her baby!! Great to hear how you are doing.

Anonymous said...

Glad you will be swimming this summer, Ann. It's so nice to swim alone -- something I have never done before. I am glad we don't have to "close" the pool here. However, there are a few months a year the water is too cold. It's already at about 84 degrees!

Perry said...

I enjoyed reading your family update, Angela! Thanks for posting.---Carol

clevekath said...

Interesting update. So good to see you both (and Nathan, too) are thrilled with having moved to Florida and are enjoying it.

rk2 said...

The pool sounds similar to ours. We don't close it but too cold to swim in it. Life in Florida sounds like a lot of fun.

Can't believe you're going to be a grandma!!!

rk2 said...

Maybe I am a robot because the four times that I tried to show that I am not a robot the result was losing the comment. Frustration! Now Rhoda is coming to my rescue.

Thanks for your blog update. Glad you are enjoying Jacksonville and that Nathan has adjusted so well.

Lynn is doing well after his gall bladder glitch last week. He is on a self-imposed Q and Q diet (quality and quantity) to prevent a repeat incident.

We are interested in knowing when Jett arrives. Heather will indeed be one busy gal. Our best to you all.

rk2 said...

Last comment I posted for Mom. Even I had trouble posting her comment as I tried yesterday and couldn't get it to post.

MaryM said...

Angela, good to hear from you. Welcome to the world of grandparenting - we know you will love it! Thanks for posting the update.

MaryM said...
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