Monday, September 15, 2014

Farewell to at the "cabin"

We still reminisce about the enjoyment from the July 4th KLOP gathering at our cabin from last year's July 4th (2013).  As part of the sale price, after 35 years, part of the selling negotiations included a voucher for our family to still use the cottage and lake for 2 weeks in each of the next 3 years.  So we redeemed the voucher in mid-August this year.  The grandboys had fun 24/7, especially with Aunt Crystal joining us for nearly the whole time -- lots of swimming, fishing, boating, basketball, Ping-Pong, good food, etc.  On and on went the fun.  Just for fun (and for a fresh post) I thought it wouldn't hurt to put a few pictures here.  The weather cooperated perfectly, the fish were biting, the lake was beautiful, and nobody got hurt even in the slightest. 

Cooper, age 6, jumping off the old tree-stump-turned-into-a-diving board.  Aaron's family and Aunt Crystal waiting their turn......

                                 Caleb got very good on the stand-up surfboard.
                      Carter and Caleb, age 12, caught these at the Murphy Farm....great for eating.

                                            Carter, age 10, takes his turn on the stump.

Caught 14 bass in about 15 minutes across the road at the "Murphy Farm"  where Carl Hoerr lets us fish and hunt arrowheads....We then caught crappies and 1 catfish and had enough for 2 huge fish-fry meals.

We celebrated b-day parties for Carter and Kathleen.      
Within a few days, Cooper was DIVING off the stump.
July 4th,  2013


Perry said...

Great pictures! What fun! ---Carol

rk2 said...

Looks like so much fun.

Alice said...

We will long remember the good times we had at your cabin. Glad you got to go back for 2 weeks with the family.