Friday, September 13, 2013


Sam and Shelley's 9 year old Ben informed me last week that he has a new way to make some money! He is taking wood burning orders from his classmates at school. He showed me his orders. He had the student's name and what object they would like burned into the wood. He was charging $1.00. He was very enthused.

Shelley texted me a picture of Ben working hard at his project.

And here are some of his finished pieces. I was impressed. (Of course, I am biased, I will admit.)

The best part of the whole thing is that Ben is now ready and willing to go to school! He is not a school lover, to say the least. In his mind it is a waste of his time. He is in the 4th grade and it has been a daily struggle to get him to school in a good mood and ready to learn.

Now he can't wait to get to school and get new orders and deliver his goods and collect his money. Shelley texted; "Just waiting for the call from school that he can't be running a business out of his backpack!"

Too funny!


Ada said...

WOW! I'm totally impressed with his talent. Entrepeneur on the way!

clevekath said...

Yes, funny, but quite impressive as well! Entrepreneurship seems to be an extended family trait -- as well as being a "teacher" (as a recent post by Ann verifies). Ben seems destined to be a successful businessman.

Ann said...

Yes, Cleve, I agree--both entrepreneurship and teaching are extended family traits.

Ben does great work - and I'm not his grandmother, so no bias involved!

rk2 said...

Nice work, Ben.

Perry said...

Way to go Ben. Selling something above your cost is a lifelong thrill.

Perry said...

Ben, will you make one for each of our grandchildren? I will pay you $2 each and use them for stocking gifts. I like the one with the name ADAM on it. Maybe an eagle for the boys and a flower for the girls. Let me know and I can give you a list of their names. ---Carol