Saturday, July 20, 2013

this n that...

      I was on my way to the gym this morning (surprising, I know) and I was sitting at a stoplight waiting to go. Let's go! Somehow I glanced to my left and I saw the most beautiful sky. Just clouds. Nothing that unusual, but the shapes and colors and the whole sky...just in that direction...was just a gift from Above. I could have missed it so easily, by not taking my time to stop and look around. In spite of all the craziness around us, the earth is still a glorious creation.

and That...
       This week was the Livingston County Fair and Wade and Mara showed their cattle. It was a sweltering day, but thankfully it was early in the morning. They both did a great job and it amazes me that they are not afraid of those big animals and that they actually think it is fun to get out in that ring before the judges. Me...I'm just glad when it's over and everyone is still in one piece!


Mara sweet-talking her heifer.

Wade setting his steer up for judging.

Oops. Steer unhappy. Has to walk him in a circle one more time.

Finally the judge is taking a good look.

Mara's pillow got a blue ribbon.
Wade got honors for his dinner rolls, but I didn't get a picture of those.


 Hope everyone is having a nice week-end!


Perry said...

Congratulations to Wade and Mara for a job well done. Just braving the hot week at the fair is quite an accomplishment. ---Carol

Ada said...

I think it's amazing how those kids can handle those big cows! I would definitely stay on the other side of the fence . . .

Congrats to both of them for their blue ribbons and successful projects. Brings back memories of my 4-H days when I was about their age.

AND, Yes the earth is a glorious creation which we so easily take for granted.