Thursday, February 21, 2013


Serendipity is a word that has fascinated me ever since long ago passing a gift shop with that name and then  learning that the definition is "something found that was not sought for and is agreeable or valuable."

Today in glancing through the AFA journal, I found a serendipity as follows:

                 Through the tempest
                   and night He went
                And He sought it at
                   at such fearful cost,
                But I'm glad that He
              sought till He found it,
                  For I am the sheep
                      that was lost.


Nog Blog said...

A nice reminder of the debt we owe. Thanks for sharing, Aunt Mim.

clevekath said...

This reminded me of the Serendipity Singers from the
1960's. It was a good name and they had some songs with some of the same messages of which you describe.

clevekath said...

This reminded me of the Serendipity Singers from the
1960's. It was a good name and they had some songs with some of the same messages of which you describe.