Thursday, February 21, 2013


You know what I thought about this morning? Supper. A real, home cooked supper. At my home.

Oooh, I pictured a pork chop, some mashed potatoes (OK, Hungry Jack instants), some corn,  and some Hawaiian bread. Probably not a salad for me, but Dave would pour applesauce on his plate and eat it with his food. That’s a nasty habit he has, in my opinion.

I used to do that…cook supper. People ask us now, “Well, what do you eat?” And I don’t really know. To cook that meal above, I would have to go grocery shopping. But we usually have something in the fridge we can find to eat. It’s just not a good home-cooked meal like it used to be.

Today I missed it. BUT, tomorrow or the next day, if I make it happen, I know I will be halfway through the mess of it all and I’ll be saying to myself, “Is it really worth it?” Basically, I hate to cook.

What do you like to cook for supper?


Ada said...

Judy! It's not that hard to throw a couple pork chops in the skillet and fry them! Just go get some and DO IT!! I made some last night and they were delicious! Just served them with baked beans - potatoes aren't in the current diet plan. Good luck and let us know how yours turn out.

Ann said...

I don't know - sometimes I feel just like Judy and simply have no motivation to cook anything!! I usually try to cook one or two things on the weekend so that there is something to eat off of for lunches the next week. And my cooking schedule depends on Mike and if he needs plates for work. (Depends on if he's on nights or days, and also if the men are cooking something that night or not.)

When the kids come home I usually cook. And sometimes the "bug" just strikes. But sometimes the "anti-bug" for cooking also strikes as well.

Alice said...

Last night I made Potato Soup. It is one of Keith's favorite. I really do like to cook. I would say I make at least 4 well balanced meals a week. If I make a roast, there will usually be enough for the next night. One favorite meal of mine in the winter is home-made vegetable soup. Mother taught me to cook at about age 10.

Nog Blog said...

Well, I simply made popcorn yesterday and some oil got on the burner and was smoking a little, so I thought I would try to wipe it off while the burner was still warm (carefully)and I picked up the microfiber dishcloth that has mesh on one side...and the mesh melted to the burner...on my (relatively) new stove. Now I can't get it off. DO YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN? I can pull off a meal if I have to, but the woes outweigh the pleasures for me by far!

Nog Blog said...
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clevekath said...

I marvel how you ladies can cook and think of WHAT to cook -- a daily dilemma if it was up to us men. When I try to cook, the smoke alarm usually becomes my Timer. But Kathleen and I cook breakfast together sometimes. I make the toast and she scrapes it.

Crystal Klopfenstein said...

It's hard to cook for one on a regular basis. Tonight I had popcorn! I also love my toaster oven - I use it almost daily. I even have a casserole dish that fits in my toaster oven, so I can throw together a small casserole for 2-3 meals. I also like cheese quesadillas in the skillet. Sometimes I will cook a package of frozen vegetables and make a few crescent rolls in my toaster oven. Or pancakes & scrambled eggs. I rarely cook meat for myself. At home, I am probably 85% vegetarian. If I do make meat, I usually brown boneless pork chops in the skillet, then bake in the oven with a microwave baked potato or sweet potato. I find that by the time I make my favorite recipes that make 6-8 servings, I get so sick of them by the time I'm done with all the leftovers that I never want to make it again! I don't always use recipes, but like to make up my own. I really like to cook, but I prefer cooking to baking - probably because baking requires closely following the recipe. Sometimes I cook a bunch & share it with my friends or take leftovers into work. I always sign up for meals for new moms or shut-ins at church because it lets me cook & not be stuck with a bunch of food for just myself. Most of the time my meals make no logical sense - like an entire raw red pepper with some cheese & crackers and grapes. Oh well!

mim said...

Guess I'll add my two bits on cooking. When I married I didn't know how to cook. My mother was right: "Anyone can cook if they want to and if they have a cookbook". Was it coincidence that three folks that knew me best gave cookbooks for wedding gifts?
Any inspiration I get comes when grocery shopping. The problem is I get too inspired and our larder usually has more food than we need. Iam blessed to have a husband who pretty much eats whatever is put before him!

MaryM said...

Funny-we had pork chops the night Judy posted this. Joey cooked them and he always knows just how to marinate. They were delicious. I don't cook as much as I used to since it's just the 2 of us now, but I do enjoy putting a meal together when I have time.