Saturday, January 12, 2013

Allen wrenches

I thought I would share this here to make sure my dad sees it rather than on fb  or my personal blog.

Several years ago Dad bought me a "real" toolbox to replace the plastic fishing tackle box I had been using. It's a big metal one with a very sturdy handle. Then he began upgrading my tools.

At some time he bought a set of allen wrenches for me. I have probably used them once or twice in the 10-15 years I've had them.

This morning I packed up my garage closet and decided to keep my tool box out and available. The set of allen wrenches wasn't in the box but was on a shelf by themselves. I debated if I should pack in a box or keep them out and available. I opted to keep them out and set them on top of the box.

Sure enough this afternoon when I was replacing the shower curtain rod I needed allen wrenches.

So Dad, thanks for the foresight many years ago that I would need allen wrenches. They surely came in handy today!


Nog Blog said...

The love language, "Acts of Service." It's wonderful! I'd help pack if I was there. :)

Ann said...

I thought you had said "alien wrenches." Was wondering what those were!!

Ada said...

What's an allen wrench?

rk2 said...

Judy, I'd let you help pack if you were here too! The end is in sight I think.