Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Future

Many of you know that 10 days ago I was notified that my job would be eliminated the end of February. You may also know that I have worked with/for my very good friend for the past year. Her position was eliminated immediately that day. This has certainly rocked my world.

Having 3 ½ months is good in that I have some time to prepare, but it also makes for some awkward and uncomfortable times at work.

There are many things I’ve been reminded of in the past 10 days, and much of it is the result of a post that Dad wrote recently. Because of his faith that he lived in front of his family and taught to us, I know that God is in control. I have seen him walk through troubled times with a strong trust in God.  Ann reminded me that this did not take God by surprise even if it did me. Many have reminded me that God is faithful, God loves me, and God will walk through this with me.

I have also been reminded from every immediate family member that they are behind me as well. One sweet thing of having adult nieces and nephews came in a text message from one who said to let her know if I ever needed anything—what a switch when I am used to doing things for them!

My life right now involves still going to work every day and trying to finish out my time in a way that honors God and shows the work ethic I have learned from my heritage, look for another job, and figure out financial issues. That means looking through my house and selling extras—realized as a single person I have 3 couches!!! Since I can sit on only one at a time two are going on craigslist.

Thanks for your prayers and the kind thoughts you have already shared with me on this road that took an unexpected curve.


Perry said...

Rhoda, I'm sorry. It is so sad how many jobs are being lost nation wide. The support and love of your family is heartwarming to read about. Behind every cloud there is a silver lining. May God show you the way. Love, Carol

Alice said...

I too am sorry you are losing your job. I will pray for you that God can direct you to something even better. Larry lost his job several years ago. He had to leave that day. In one month he got his present job at State Farm and it has worked out much better.
However, he was devastated at the time. God is in control. Love, Alice

rk2 said...

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. So many have reached out to me, and God is blessing me through this.

Will let everyone know when something new opens up.

Nog Blog said...

Remember, Bloomington is a great place to live...worth a look for a job in this town! Just sayin'...

clevekath said...

We are saddened to hear of your job situation, but encouraged to know that God will provide. Rest assured that you are in our prayers.
C & K

clevekath said...

We are saddened to hear of your job situation, but encouraged to know that God will provide. Rest assured that you are in our prayers.
C & K

Perry said...

I, too, want to offer encouragement to you. Often, things happen for the best, and I hope God can open the way for you in the future.


rk2 said...

Thank you so much for your kind thoughts, words, and prayers. Being able to share this and having the support of family is truly something to be thankful for and just one more good thing about this blog.

Ada said...

I like Judy's suggestion. B/N is a great place.