Sunday, August 26, 2012


Yesterday we spent most of the day at a farm near Dwight that is owned by a man (Curt Christenson - no relative) who was a student of ours many, many years ago when we were in Dwight. Later, when Jerry went to work at U-High, Curt was working there and they became good buddies. Curt's "farm" is mostly a "man's place". He likes to hunt and fish and is always talking about his farm. He has some young grandsons who spend a lot of time on his farm and so he invited us to bring Nathan to the farm. We were there most of the day on Saturday, and here are some pictures of Nathan's great day. 
 Nathan ready to ride after instruction and practice from Curt.
 Curt is leading the way, followed by Nathan and Grandpa.
The field to the right is Curt's and they have a trail circling the field.
 I was content sitting under the shade trees, but Curt made me get on with Jerry and go for a ride. Still haven't decided if it was fun or not. Nathan kept up with us around the field then down the lane and back. Jerry was a typical man in trying to go fast enough to scare me!! :) Do they ever completely grow up?!?!
 Remember, I said the place is very primitive - I meant it literally!!
Nathan and the boys also had a great time in the muddy river!


Ann said...

Does "very primitive" mean "no bathroom"?!
I was wondering when you posted on FB if this man was a family member or not--
Did you get bored or did you do OK?
Looks like a great day for Nathan and Grandad especially!

Ada said...

You got it, Ann - the no bathroom thing. Notice the green shack in the picture is the outhouse. Curt's girlfriend was there. She was friendly, took me for a ride on some kind of vehicle, and we managed to find conversation to keep from being bored. The outing was planned to entertain Nathan, and he loved it.

Actually Curt's name is spelled differently than ours although I accidentally spelled it wrong on Facebook.

clevekath said...

You've heard the old saying..."The only difference between men and boys is the size of their toys".
No, us men never really grow up.
The Bambino seems to be having a great day with Grandpa!
I think I remember Curt being a great football player way back in high I correct?

clevekath said...

You've heard the old saying..."The only difference between men and boys is the size of their toys".
No, us men never really grow up.
The Bambino seems to be having a great day with Grandpa!
I think I remember Curt being a great football player way back in high I correct?

Ada said...

You are right, Cleve - Curt was a High School football star.

Nog Blog said...

A muddy river and a 4-wheeler. I'm sure Nathan was super stoked!