Thursday, July 5, 2012

Nog Blog Report

Update on retirement:

1. The first day, Dave said to me, "Now we're not going to fight, now that I'm retired."
I said, "We don't fight, we just bicker."
Dave: No we don't.
Me: Yes, we do.
Dave: No we don't.
Me: Yes, we do!

2. Today Dave said to me, proudly, "I took the whole day off yesterday!:"
My response was, "You're 63 years old, we've been married over 40 years, and you can't believe you took a whole holiday off."
The man is a work horse.

It's 8 weeks until the annual K5K! Still time to get on your running shoes and get in shape! And for the non-runners, let's hope for a nice, cool morning where we can stroll the park and play with the kids. I promise a good, full breakfast for all who attend!

1 comment:

Ann said...

Judy, you are so funny!

Wish we could come for the K5K but it's a little far for a race. Maybe some year.