Saturday, July 28, 2012

Summer Company

Here's the pool, all ready for summertime enjoyment--

And look who showed up to enjoy it with me!

Judy and I have had a wonderful time just visiting for several days.  Oh, and spending a lot of time in the pool.  Dave's here now to get her.  Guess he missed her too much - he showed up a day early!

Mom and Dad have returned from Perry and Carol's party and they are staying there now.


Ada said...

I can just imagine you two girls covering every topic women like to talk about AND laughing a lot!! Nice you got to spend time together. Great pictures also.

Perry said...

I enjoyed the pictures, Ann! It was so good to have your folks with us last night (and all the rest who were there.) --- Carol

Perry said...

Yes, nice pictures. And our mind is still whirling per our Anniversary get-together at Mackinaw, Illinois.

Ann said...

We have done a lot of talking and laughing!

Waiting on pics and commentary of the anniversary party in Mackinaw!

clevekath said...

Glad Dave and Judy can see your neat house, pool, landscaping, etc.

Yes, surely you'll be seeing some pics, etc. on the blog of the "Awe in Mackinaw" event. Give Maria, the main photographer, time to get home Sunday eve. and get back to reality.